G3: Games, Gadgets, & Gizmos

The Source for all things Tech and Video Games

Friday, July 29, 2005

PSP web browser

Well yeah... It was bound to happen anyways, the latest update for the PSP includes a web browser. Have fun. If only we had one to expiriment with...

Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Revolution News

Nintendo has gone on the record and said that there won't be as many buttons or analog sticks on the Revolution controller as there are now. then how are we going to play our Gamecube games , hmmm? Curious, very curious... Posted by Picasa

Fujitsu Flexible Display

Fujitsu has just announced a new small, Flexible display. It hardly uses any power and apparently its cheap. Don't jump for joy just yet; it won't be commercialized soon.